100+ Completed Projects
Projects are implemented through collaboration with various state and federal agencies, private foundations, and non-governmental organizations (NGO). Project partners include the USDA Forest Service, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, California Department of Water Resources, California Regional Water Quality Control Board, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Wildlife Conservation Board, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, and the many NGO partners in the Sierra Meadow Partnership, to name a few.
Our reputation for successful implementation of watershed restoration projects and dedication to continually improve and learn from our projects through long-term monitoring has gained the respect of governmental, non-governmental, academic and industry firms.
Case Studies

Mountain Meadows Creek
Restoring 801 acres of a rich ecological complex
Mountain Meadows Creek is an 8.8 square-mile watershed that is tributary to the North Fork Feather River and is part of a rich ecological complex that supports up to 70% of migrating birds on the Pacific Flyway.

Thompson Meadow
100th Project Implemented
Thompson Meadow is a 47-acre meadow in Red Clover Valley on Plumas National Forest. The meadow burned at high severity in the 2021 Dixie Fire, a year before it was restored. The project was Plumas Corp’s 100th implemented restoration project, in the same watershed (Red Clover Creek) their 1st meadow restoration project was built.

Sierra Meadows Hydrology Monitoring
Quantifying the Effects of Restoration in Eight Sierra Nevada Meadows
The Sierra Meadows Hydrology Monitoring (SMHM) Program is a scientific project that addresses the current paucity of hydrologic data, particularly pre-project, quantifying the effects of restoration in Sierra Nevada meadows.

Sequoia National Forest Projects
Big Meadows, Long Meadow, Osa Meadow
Plumas Corp has been a working partner with the Sequoia National Forest/Giant Sequoia National Monument for over 15 years. The first full meadow floodplain restoration in the Southern Sierra was implemented at Big Meadows in 2007. Subsequent projects since then were Long Meadow restored in 2014, and Osa Meadow restored in 2016. In partnership with Trout Unlimited and California Trout, several more meadows have been restored or are currently in the planning phase.

Foster Meadow
El Dorado National Forest
The Foster Meadow Restoration Project encompasses 27 acres of meadow along the Middle Fork Cosumnes River on lands on lands managed by the USDA Forest Service, Amador Ranger District, El Dorado National Forest. Foster Meadow was identified as a target meadow for restoration in the Amador Calaveras Consensus Group (ACCG) Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project.

Red Clover / McReynolds
Feather River Watershed
The Red Clover/McReynolds Creek Restoration Project encompasses a 775-acre area, covering 715 acres of privately owned land and 60 acres of public land on Plumas National Forest (PNF). This portion of Red Clover Creek drains a watershed area of 84 square miles, and is a tributary to Indian Creek and ultimately, the East Branch North Fork Feather River.

Big Flat Meadow
First Pond & Plug Restoration Project in California
This project moved Cottonwood Creek from its old down cut channel into 4,050 feet of new channel constructed on top of Big Flat Meadow. It was the first project to utilize the “pond and plug” restoration technique in California.

Yellow Creek
Tásmam Koyóm (Humbug Valley)
Constructed in 2013, the goal was to restore the hydrologic function of 0.65 miles of Yellow Creek by reconnecting it with 71 acres of its meadow floodplain.

Clarks Creek
Plumas National Forest
Implemented in 2001, the project eliminated 4,300 feet of incised stream channel with pond and plug (now referred to as partial fill), reconnecting the remnant meadow channels with 50 acres of meadow floodplain.