Our work restores streams and their associated floodplains, where applicable, to reduce erosion, enhance aquatic and wildlife habitat, and improve water quality conditions. From watershed assessments, project planning, design, implementation, and monitoring. Plumas Corporation works with our clients, including governmental agencies and private landowners, to provide the necessary technical information needed to make sound, educated resource management decisions.
An important component of any stream and meadow restoration program is to not only monitor on-site project effectiveness, but to assess long-term trends in watershed condition. Such monitoring helps identify the effect of restoration projects on hydrologic function and ecosystem attributes. Plumas Corporation has over 15 years of experience in implementing and conducting long-term watershed monitoring. With this experience, Plumas Corporation can provide monitoring design services to assist in the development and implementation of monitoring programs at a variety of spatial and temporal scales.
Educational tours and trainings on stream and meadow restoration, and can provide presentations/demonstrations on various other topics including water quality monitoring, identification of aquatic insects, macroinvertebrates as indicators of water quality, the water cycle, and protecting riparian areas.
In addition, we have educational watershed trunks on macroinvertebrates, appropriate for elementary and junior high students, which are available for loan.
Construction projects that disturb one or more acres, or are part of a larger project that disturbs one or more acres, are required to obtain coverage under the Construction General Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Construction Activity Construction General Permit Order 2009-0009-DWQ. Coverage under the permit requires a SWPPP, which must be developed by a QSD.
We are Qualified SWPPP Developers and Practitioners and can help you with your SWPPP.
Scientifically driven forest restoration is complex. It not only incorporates fire science, ecology and forestry, but includes hydrology, wildlife biology, recreation, and numerous other natural resource-related disciplines. Our goal is to work with all partners and stakeholders to insure we utilize the best available science to develop robust and well vetted proposed project actions that will result in multiple benefits.
In doing so we will create more resilient landscapes, fire adapted communities, and provide a safer environment in which our firefighters can work effectively under increasingly challenging conditions.
We administer an average of $1,000,000 a year in grant award contracts for watershed restoration. As the fiduciary agent for Plumas County Fire Safe Council, we manage another $500,000 annually in grant contracts for fuel reduction projects. Effective grant administration involves maintaining accurate and auditable files, reporting, and project budget management. Plumas Corporation has successfully undergone both federal and state audits of awarded grant contracts.
We offer grant writing services to other organizations that align with our mission.